About Personal Yoga Classes
Whether your issue is weight management, or any chronic disease ailment, stress management, insomnia or any other life style disease, yoga has the answer to all your queries. All you need is determination to get on your yoga mat everyday without fail and follow the voice of your yoga guru to see the magic happen. Your yoga teacher is your mentor in this journey of self-discovery. Our online personal classes give you the opportunity.
Frequently Asked Questions
All you need to bring are comfortable clothes and a good attitude. We do a variety of movements in a yoga class so your clothes should be able to move freely with you. Some classes may make you sweat so dress accordingly. We have mats, blocks, belts, and blankets to get you started if you have never practiced before.
No Problem! You can see someone in membership to discuss what you are looking for in a yoga class and they can guide you to the right class. Also, be sure to read our class descriptions so you can decide for yourself what works for you. We have plenty of gentle and all levels classes to get you started; both day and night! Soon at Yoga House we will be able to offer you small group and private classes as well!
First, check with your physician and make sure it is ok. It is also important for you to check in with the teacher before class if you have any concerns. All of our staff can help you by guiding you to the right class and the right props as well. Yoga is NO Competition! NO Comparison! We should not even compare how we did a pose the week before because every day is new. Listen to your body and if it says to back off then back off! No one is judging you, it’s your body, your practice.