Swami Vidyanand is a renowned yoga master from India. He is the founder and spiritual head of SriMa International School of Transformational Yoga® and the Founder and President of Yoga…

Etiam semper, nunc vitae volutpat efficitur, elit nibh egestas velit, sit amet euismod justo justo pharetra ipsum. Mauris tincidunt erat magna, ut fringilla erat ultrices et. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aenean a dolor turpis. Aenean tristique metus diam, id mollis magna efficitur nec. Sed venenatis arcu nisl, ac pharetra felis vestibulum vitae. Aenean sit amet pharetra eros, et condimentum tortor. Ut in dictum magna. Nulla at ex eget sem cursus maximus non non augue.
Vestibulum lobortis, magna non blandit laoreet, eros est porttitor libero, consectetur condimentum nisl mauris a eros. Vivamus id nibh eu erat varius consequat. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Proin consectetur a augue nec convallis. Morbi et erat sagittis, cursus nisi quis, volutpat nulla.
Swami Vidyanand is a renowned yoga master from India. He is the founder and spiritual head of SriMa International School of Transformational Yoga® and the Founder and President of Yoga…
Grandmaster Arjun Goswami is an internationally acclaimed Spiritual yogic master and visionary. He has been practicing yoga & meditation since his childhood and become a certified Grandmaster under the guidance…
Kanika is highly motivated and passionate Yoga Teacher, well-versed in multiple yoga styles (transformtional, hatha, ashtanga, vinyasa, power, prana, chair yoga, pregnancy yoga). Yoga was introduced to her early in…
Poonam is a Certified Grandmaster in Yoga from Yoga Alliance International. She has completed her grandmaster training under world renowned master Sri Swami Vidyanand. She has been practising Yoga since…
Lakshya Chauhan has been practising yoga& meditation since his last five years. His yoga practise is quiet and tranquil but very effective and has had the good to learn and…
Neeraja Hariharan is a 62 year old Yoga practitioner based out of Gurgaon, India who started her journey with yoga began in early teens. After an unfortunate health issue that…
Nazia started her journey in to yoga accidently when a friend suggested her to do yoga for her back problems she had been facing for several years. She was a…
Renu has been practicing yoga & meditation since her childhood and has had the good fortune to learn and train with excellent yoga instructors & meditation masters. She has learned…